Kubernetes Cheatsheet
The get
parameter is a powerful way of discovering your
kubenetes resources. You can use it to query: * namespace * pod * node *
deployment * service * replicasets
$ kubectl get nodes
$ kubectl get ns # ns is an abreviation for namespace
$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system
The create
command can do just that for:
- service
- cronjob
- deployment
- job
- namespace (or ns)
$ kubectl create ns hello-world
$ kubectl create cronjob my-cronjob --image=alpine --schedule="*/15 * * * *" -- echo "hi there"
You can also use cj
as an abreviation for
$ kubectl create cj my-cronjob --image=alpine --schedule="*/15 * * * *" -- echo "hi there"
The edit
parameter allows you to update resources:
$ kubectr edit my-cronjob
The delete
parameter allows you to remove resources:
$ kubectl delete cronjob my-cronjob
The apply
parameter allows you to apply configurations
from files
$ kubectl apply -f jenkins.yaml
The describe
parameter provides details of your
resources which could be:
- nodes
- pods
- services
- deployments
- replicasets
- cronjobs
$ kubectl describe cronjob my-cronjob
The logs
parameter displays the contents of the
resource’s log:
$ kubectl logs my-resource -n charts
The exec
parameter allows you to exec into a
$ kubectl exec -it my-resource -n charts -- /bin/bash
The cp
parameter lets you copy files and directories to
and from containers:
$ kubectl cp file1.txt my-resource:file1.txt
Tags: cli, kubernetes, cheatsheet, motd
Extract a Single File from a Tarball
Suppose I have a tarball (.tar.gz file) which is large and I only want to extract a specific file from it. If I know the name of the file all I have to do is pass the file’s relative path that it is stored under to the command line.
Here is an example of the error you will get if you pass the incorrect file specification:
$ tar zxvf dirtree-tarball.tar.gz file-7-30003.txt
tar: file-7-30003.txt: Not found in archive
Since I don’t have the full path, I can just search for it:
$ tar tf dirtree-tarball.tar.gz | grep 'file-7-30003.txt'
Now I can pass the full path and extract the file:
$ tar zxvf dirtree-tarball.tar.gz ./dir_2/file-7-30003.txt
$ ls
dir_2 dirtree-tarball.tar.gz
$ tree
├── dir_2
│ └── file-7-30003.txt
└── dirtree-tarball.tar.gz
1 directory, 2 files
Note that it extracts it to the same directory tree but it will only extract the file(s) specified on the command line.
Updating My Home Lab using Ansible
I have a variety of Raspberry Pis that I use for various tasks like my Tiny-Tiny RSS server, Gitea server, and Calibre server among other things. In order to keep them updated I use Ansible.
My update script is fairly simple:
$ cat update-pis.sh
ansible-playbook ./playbooks/apt.yml --user memyselfandi \
--ask-pass --ask-become-pass -i ./inventory/hosts $@
The YAML playbook is likewise very simple:
$ cat ./playbooks/apt.yml
- hosts: "*"
become: yes
- name: Update System Package Cache (apt)
update_cache: yes
upgrade: 'yes'
- name: Upgrade System Packages (apt)
apt: upgrade=full
- name: Remove unused dependencies
apt: autoremove=true
- name: Check if reboot is required
shell: "[ -f /var/run/reboot-required ]"
failed_when: False
register: reboot_required
changed_when: reboot_required.rc == 0
notify: reboot
- name: reboot
command: /sbin/reboot
Although I can run this in a cronjob, I tend to run it manually (for now). I’m thinking about doing some major revisions to my Pi configuration anyway. Stay tuned for more on that subject.
List All MACs on the Local Network
Per the manpage:
tool manipulates or displays the kernel’s IPv4 network neighbor cache. It can add entries to the table, delete one or display the current content. ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol, which is used to find the media access control address of a network neighbor for a given IPv4 Address.
You can use the arp
command to list all of the devices
on the local network. It is often useful to find the identities of
hidden devices on your network. For example, if you just
plugged a Raspberry Pi into your local network and need to find its IP
address in order to connect to it via SSH.
# arp -i eth0 -a
? ( at 42:b9:72:xx:xx:x0 [ether] on eth0
? ( at 54:04:a6:xx:xx:xd [ether] on eth0
Fios_Quantum_Gateway.fios-router.home ( at 20:c0:47:xx:xx:x1 [ether] on eth0
? ( at 34:64:a9:xx:xx:xd [ether] on eth0
? ( at dc:a6:32:xx:xx:x3 [ether] on eth0
(I’ve masked some of the fields above)
Tags: cli, arp, networking, motd
KVM: Configure libvirt Network
You can update the network configuration for your KVM installation
using the command line using the virsh
To list all of the available network enter the following command. The
will is used to include the inactive networks:
# virsh net-list --all
Name State Autostart
default active yes
NattedNetwork active yes
Then, edit the network you wish to update:
# EDITOR="vi" virsh net-edit NattedNetwork
Add host configuration(s) or whatever changes you wish to make to XML file:
<forward mode='nat'/>
<bridge name='virbr0' stp='on' delay='0'/>
<mac address='52:54:00:ad:b9:ed'/>
<ip address='' netmask=''>
<range start='' end=''/>
Once you’re done, restart the network for the changes to take effect:
# virsh net-destroy NattedNetwork
# virsh net-start NattedNetwork
Tags: cli, libvirt, kvm, network, motd
Install sbopkg on Slackware
Sbopkg is a command‐line and dialog‐based tool to interact with the SlackBuilds.org repository, a collection of third‐party SlackBuild scripts to build Slackware packages.
Here are the steps for installing the latest version of sbopkg with Slackware.
Download the latest Slackware package from
using whatever method you find most convenient. At the time of this writing the latest version ishttps://github.com/sbopkg/sbopkg/releases/download/0.38.2/sbopkg-0.38.2-noarch-1_wsr.tgz
. I will use that version in the commands below. If the version has changed, you would use the new filename in the commands. You can also usewget <packagename>
to download it directly.Open your favorite terminal and
to root.Change to the directory where you downloaded the package.
Run the command
installpkg sbopkg-0.38.2-noarch-1_wsr.tgz
If all goes well, sbopkg will now be installed.
To run sbopkg, open your favorite terminal,
su -
to root, and type sbopkg
As usual, see the man
or info
page for more
Tags: cli, slackware, sbopkg, motd
Copying a Directory Tree Recursively Using tar
You can use tar
to copy a directory tree to another
directory in one shot along with preserving ownership,
permissions and timestamps. This also avoids making an intermediary
tarfile which may cause problems if the size of the file copy
is large and the storage resources are low. Just cd
to the
top of the directory that you want to copy and begin.
Let’s assume that you want to copy the contents of the source directory to a target directory:
$ cd /path/to/source
$ tar cf - * | (cd /target; tar xfp - )
Removing Blank Spaces from a Group of File Names
This set of commands iterate over each file in the current directory
and will replace any blank spaces in a filename with an underscore
First, we’ll create a set of sample files:
$ for i in {0..9}; do touch "file-${i} (number-${i}).txt"; done
$ ls
file-0\ (number-0).txt file-4\ (number-4).txt file-8\ (number-8).txt
file-1\ (number-1).txt file-5\ (number-5).txt file-9\ (number-9).txt
file-2\ (number-2).txt file-6\ (number-6).txt
file-3\ (number-3).txt file-7\ (number-7).txt
Now, we’ll execute the set of commands:
$ for f in *\ *; do mv "$f" "${f// /_}"; done
And now you can see that the blanks have been replaced.
$ ls
file-0_(number-0).txt file-4_(number-4).txt file-8_(number-8).txt
file-1_(number-1).txt file-5_(number-5).txt file-9_(number-9).txt
file-2_(number-2).txt file-6_(number-6).txt
file-3_(number-3).txt file-7_(number-7).txt