Gregg's MOTD

Tips & Tricks that I've Encountered Over the Years...

GCC can’t find stdio.h in Alpine Linux

June 29, 2023 — Gregg Szumowski

A while ago, I installed the iSH app on my iPad which made it possible for me to develop Python and C code as well as use it as an SSH client. However, I ran into an issue when trying to compile C code because the compiler couldn’t resolve stdio.h. The following excerpt from StackOverflow resolves the issue:

Install libc-dev in addition to GCC, or just install build-base for everything (alpine-sdk is probably an overkill). To install run the following command:

# apk add libc-dev

You need to install it separately because in Alpine Linux, the package GCC doesn’t depend on libc-dev for good reason: You can use gcc to compile things without libc, for example hypervisors firmware etc.

Tags: gcc, alpine-linux, ipad, ish, motd