Gregg's MOTD

Tips & Tricks that I've Encountered Over the Years...

String Processing with Bash

August 13, 2023 — Gregg Szumowski

There are various tools built into bash that enable you to manipulate a variable or string which come in handy when writing shell scripts. Here are a few notable ones:

Find the length of a string


Get a Substring from a String

${string:pos} or ${string:pos:len}

Removing Substrings from a String


Some examples

Here’s a few examples of how you can process a variable that points to an absolute path of a file and shows how to extract certain parts of said file’s path:

echo ${var} # => /home/user/code/blogstuff/index.html.j2
echo ${var#*.} # => html.j2
echo ${var##*.} # => j2
echo ${var%/*.*} # => /home/user/code/blogstuff

Replace a Substring of a String

${string/pattern/substr} # => Replaces the 1st match found
${string//pattern/substr} # => Replaces all of the matches found

Replace the Beginning or End of a String

file=${var##/*/} # => index.html.j2
echo ${file/#index/fubar} # => fubar.html.j2
echo ${file/%j2/fubar} # => index.html.fubar

Tags: cli, bash, shell-scripting, motd