Kubernetes Cheatsheet
The get
parameter is a powerful way of discovering your
kubenetes resources. You can use it to query: * namespace * pod * node *
deployment * service * replicasets
$ kubectl get nodes
$ kubectl get ns # ns is an abreviation for namespace
$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system
The create
command can do just that for:
- service
- cronjob
- deployment
- job
- namespace (or ns)
$ kubectl create ns hello-world
$ kubectl create cronjob my-cronjob --image=alpine --schedule="*/15 * * * *" -- echo "hi there"
You can also use cj
as an abreviation for
$ kubectl create cj my-cronjob --image=alpine --schedule="*/15 * * * *" -- echo "hi there"
The edit
parameter allows you to update resources:
$ kubectr edit my-cronjob
The delete
parameter allows you to remove resources:
$ kubectl delete cronjob my-cronjob
The apply
parameter allows you to apply configurations
from files
$ kubectl apply -f jenkins.yaml
The describe
parameter provides details of your
resources which could be:
- nodes
- pods
- services
- deployments
- replicasets
- cronjobs
$ kubectl describe cronjob my-cronjob
The logs
parameter displays the contents of the
resource’s log:
$ kubectl logs my-resource -n charts
The exec
parameter allows you to exec into a
$ kubectl exec -it my-resource -n charts -- /bin/bash
The cp
parameter lets you copy files and directories to
and from containers:
$ kubectl cp file1.txt my-resource:file1.txt
Tags: cli, kubernetes, cheatsheet, motd