Gregg's MOTD

Tips & Tricks that I've Encountered Over the Years...

Using passwordgen On Slackware

July 14, 2023 — Gregg Szumowski

The well known site has a lot of useful tips and tricks for **nix* users and they also have a script that you can download which will create and maintain passwords for you.

If you go to their command line section you can use the link to their GitHub site and download it for yourself. However, when I followed their installation instructions I ran into difficulty because the script has a dependency on pbcopy or gclip (which wasn’t documented) and since I run Slackware 15.0 the copy to clipboard feature failed.

The workaround for this is to install either xclip or xsel from and make a minor modification to the script as described here:

< which gclip pbcopy | grep -v -m 1 'not found'
> which xclip xsel | grep -v -m 1 'not found'
< ss64pwd_to_clipboard $one_arg
> ss64pwd_to_clipboard -selecton clipboard $one_arg

Tags: cli, password-managers, motd