Gregg's MOTD

Tips & Tricks that I've Encountered Over the Years...

Virt-Manager Pool Running Out of Space

September 10, 2023 — Gregg Szumowski

Once upon a time, I had an issue with virt-manager’s pool space running low. I was creating too many VMs using the default configuration. This needed to be resolved because images are being created in /var/lib/libvirt/images which was part of my root partition, which was also low. Since I am the only user on this machine, I decided to change this to default to my home directory:

  1. Create ~/libvirt/images
  2. Run $ sudo virsh pool-edit default as a privileged user or as the root user.
  3. Change the path to point to your new directory.

Tags: cli, virt-manager, virsh, motd